The Torment SHEP DVD
The Torment SHEP DVD
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Low-budget British 'mockumentary'-style supernatural horror. When David O'Reilly (Giles Alderson) turns up in the middle of the night at the home of his friends Alex and Kate (Nicholas Shaw and Zoe Richards), he tells them that his girlfriend has been cheating on him, and they invite him to stay. But David has not told them everything. For the past fortnight he has been experiencing terrifying visions and happenings in his home. Will moving house be enough to rid David of his demons?
All DVD's are Region PAL2 unless otherwise stated.
All discs are inspected visually for scratches and wear. Only those with deep defects are recycled.
Should we be in doubt as to the condition we will watch before sending, or in the case of many in stock, recycle.
Green Policy
Green Policy
SHEP is currently working on a shredding project to recycle all plastic generated by Discs and their cases.
In the short-tem though SHEP will be turning excess DVD's and CD's into clocks and lights. The cases are being stored in a yard for later shredding into Platic bits for new products.
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All items sold from Pick and Sell are priced including packaging.
Postage charges are based on a total weight basis per order and are raised at checkout.
Cant find what you desire?
Please conact SHEP by email and he will sniff it out for you. Once SHEP has found the item he will call with price and shipping details. So if you are looking for a DVD to a Music Cassette give us a shout!